Monday, August 17, 2009

Yeah, I Hate the Dentist

So. This week involves a lot of preparation. That means doctors appointments. One of these being a visit to the dentist. This would be fine, except for the small factor of me hating the dentist. I hate the noises that the tools make and the smell and the fact that this person who I don't really know is really bursting my personal space bubble. Okay and they ALWAYS want to talk to you! They'll ask questions like "How's college?" or "What did you do this summer?" But they never take their hands out of your mouth long enough for you to answer. So you end up mumbling something while trying not to bite their fingers off. It's just awkward. I've only ever had one cavity (knock on wood) but every time I have a dentist appointment I get this awful feeling in my gut that I'm going to have a cavity or some other worse dental problem where the only cure will be an incredibly painful and expensive procedure. I think I would rather loose my baby toe on one foot than have dental surgery (is that a fair trade?). Oh well. I'll just tell them that "Sorry. I can't make time for that appointment... I'll be in Europe for the next three months!" But I can only hope that nothing will go wrong. Have I mentioned that I REALLY dislike the dentist?

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